Let’s Be Intentional… About Prayer


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Throughout the last couple of months, I’ve felt a growing urgency in my spirit about prayer.  I know I have treated this spiritual discipline with a casual attitude recently.  I also know that during the seasons in which I have prioritized prayer and committed to a specific quiet time, I have witnessed God’s incredible answers to prayer.  I have also experienced peace and joy in my life as I have consistently brought my needs and my praise before the Lord.


Over at The MOB Society (a blog that I fell in love with in 2013), Brooke McGlothlin has written an excellent article about choosing a verse to pray over your children in 2014.  Honestly, I have never even thought about choosing one Scripture passage to pray over my kids for an entire year.  But I think it’s an amazing idea.  I know that God’s Word never returns to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).  So I can only imagine the power and blessings that God will pour into my children’s lives as I consistently pray the same Scripture over them for 365 consecutive days.

After I read Brooke’s post, I prayed for God to help me choose a verse to pray over my son (and the rest of our family as well).  I liked the one that Brooke chose for her family, but I wanted to be sure I sought the Lord’s will instead of just “borrowing” hers.  Then, as I was tidying up and packing the last of the Christmas decorations, I saw this:

AG and Aaron photo for blogMore Joy.  I think God told me what verse to use.

So, I will be praying Psalm 92:4 over my children this year, just as Brooke is doing for her family.  And what’s really neat is that she has a beautiful free printable of this verse included in her post today.

Would you join me in this venture for 2014?  Check out what Brooke wrote and then let me know which verse you have chosen for your children.